Maaike Thiadens, MD

Thiadens Health is a medical practice for integrative
medicine, with special focus on nutritional medicine and homeopathy.

my mission, my goal

Building good health involves the whole being.

My goal is to offer natural solutions to disease and increase health, by trying to understand the story and where it went wrong. By doing so, my hope is that ultimately people can regain ownership of their own wellbeing.

Holistic approach

I will be your partner in improving your health. For those who like to work independently, I will empower you with knowledge and good recommendations. For those who need frequent support, I will be available more often.

I take a broad view. The body is a beautiful and complex part of the human being, where all systems are interconnected. It is also in an environment, a context. All of that adds up. My goal is to give your body the best possible conditions to regain good health, and if possible to let go of the complaints.

This can be done by giving it what it needs, to be able to perform its various functions properly again: the right nutrients, an appropriate environment, movement, and the right stimuli to address the self-healing capacity.

Joining forces with your specialist

I work taking into account the research and treatments you have received from your doctor or specialist. Consultation is always welcome.

my professional background

From 'classical' to integrative

I graduated as a physician in 2002 and have since worked first in hospitals (internal medicine and emergency care), then in general practice. In 2007 I completed my training as a general practitioner in Leiden.

I worked for ten years in a large health center for expats. Here I enjoyed seeing patients from all over the world, and also got a broad picture of healthcare in different countries.
I did this within a team of international general practitioners and specialists. I like cooperation and believe that joining forces is an added value.

Gradually I started seeing more patients with gynecological complaints and I set up an Integrative Woman's Health consultation hour, where both regular and complementary methods of treatment were combined.

I have a special interest in hormonal processes and the interaction between different processes in the body. I find it fascinating to understand how the body works and always try to make connections between different syndromes. How did the complaints come about, and is there a common cause? Understanding one's symptoms can be empowering in itself.

I have special experience working with expats. I grew up as an expat in France, attending several international schools. I speak Dutch, English and French, and understand Spanish.

education, training & work experience
Education and training

2017: clinical psycho-neuro-immunology (PNI) therapist, Natura Foundation

2015: orthomolecular medicine (nutrition and medical use of supplements), Natura Foundation

2011: Post-Academic Curriculum Homeopathy for Doctors, SHO (Homeopathy Training Foundation)

2007: completed general practitioner training

2002: graduated from Maastricht University Medical School

Work experience

2011-2021: International Health Center, the Hague, family medicine and Integrative Woman's Health.

2009-2011: homeopathic physician at the HAU, Homeopathic Physicians' Center, Utrecht

2007-2011: substitute family physician in various practices in the region of The Hague

2004-2007: General practitioner in training, Leiden

2002-2004: assistant physician in internal medicine and emergency room, Laurentius Hospital Roermond

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Common Questions

Homeopathy is an area both fascinating and yet-to-be discovered. Here you can find answers to some common questions. If you did not find yours, don't hesitate to ask using my contact page.

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